No Matter What

It was "Alxnme" from the first moment I met her when she was only about 5 weeks old, until she died on February 9, 1989.  She was 13 years old by then and we had been through just about everything together.  I still cry about losing her.  She went to so many of the school activities with me. She waited patiently in the car, with her head resting on the back seat.  She even went to a class or two when I taught. She'd been to Virginia, Florida, Kansas, and all points in between. She loved to "dance" and "sing" and go for drives in the car.  


If anyone has had the pleasure of having an animal, then we've probably heard, "My dog is the most intelligent, loving, fun, knows what I'm thinking, exceptional dog in the world".  The truth about Alex is that anyone who had the chance to meet her said those things about her.  There was knowledge in her eyes, an alertness or recognition that was unbelievable. My vet told me that there were 2 dogs he ever felt were truly amazing: his own and Alex I was honored to have her in my life. 

Always Alxnme. This is my favorite picture               on a porch

This is how she looked and where she was when I first met her in June, 1976 

After playing for a bit, she "posed" for this picture.

Getting bigger in a month's time

Resting and cooling off early August 1976
As a pup and as an adult. She's about 5 months old on the left and 11 years old on the right.

Miss Regal Maturity at 12 years old.
(lf) At Young Life Camp in Colorado right at the entrance to the camp. (rt) At a softball game one summer.    


Knowing Alex was very ill, three of my students gave me another dog.  STOURI came into Alex's and my life at Christmas break 1988. I named her using 2 letters from each of the girls' names. (Stacey, Courtney, and Lori). Much to all of our surprise, Stouri was NOT the big dog she was supposed to become.  :o) As you will see, she had big ears, short legs. She was  very smart and could do wonderful things. Sadly, Stouri got cancer and died on January 5, 1999.

On the next page you will see Stouri, and her friend for most of her life, our Golden Retriever, Indiana. We call him Indy and he too loves to dance and play though he's now 11 years old himself. Chelsea is the cat who came to the home one night, a stray kitten. I'm sure she thinks she's a dog.

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Copyright © Susan J. Brien, Ed.D.

This website is NOT for genealogy companies or persons for sale without my permission.  It is FREE, however for personal use and, of course, for my family.