Records here reflect
places that major family members, other than RISTON, have lived.
ILLINOISCOOK CO. 1870 Lynch, Peter (this is my paternal Greatgrandfather)
15th Ward / house # 100
age 35 / a "laborer"/ born in Ireland / living with:
* Virginia 23 "Keeping House" b. VA
* Harry 6 attended school during the year b. VA
* Annie 3 born IL
* "Not Named" (this is John Thomas) 5/12 born IL
Riston, (John) Henry (this is my maternal Greatgrandfather) 15th Ward / age 52 / Painter / born MD / cannot read or write living with: living with: * Rachael 46 "Keeping House" b. VA * Annie 20 "At Home" b. VA * James 15 Rail Road Employee b. VA * Winnefred 18 "At Home" b. VA * Charles 6 "At Home" b. VA
1880 Lynch, Peter
11th Ward / ED 104 / District 44 / age 46
Railroad Man / 251 Kinzie St., Chicago / living with:
* Virginia 46 "Keeping House" b. VA
* "Morris" (this is Harry) 16 b. IL an "office boy"
* Annie 12 b. IL
* Thomas 10 b. IL
" * William 8 b. IL
* Winnie 3 b. IL
* Agnes 2 b. IL
Riston, John Henry
ED 113 / 217 Kinzie St., Chicago / age 62 / a painter
b. MD as were his parents / living with:
* Rachael 57 b. VA as were her parents / a seamstress
* James 23 b. VA / a laborer
* Charles 16 b. VA / a laborer (*)
Olson, Mary
ED 113 / 303 Kinzie St., Chicago / age 49 / at home
living with:
* Anton 20 b. Norway / fireman
* Carrie 17 b. Norway / milliner
* Mary 15 b. Norway / laundress (* she became Charles' wife)
Olson, Sonia
ED 133 / 309 Kinzie St., Chicago / 60 / tailoress
b. Norway (I am assuming she was the grandmother of
DUBUQUE CO. 1860 Hoerner, George F. (Margaretta Lillig's new husband and
step-father to John Martin Lillig my
paternal great grandfather)
age 48 / b. Bavariea / a baker / living with:
* Margaret 40 b. Bavaria
* John (Lillig) 20 b. Bavaria / a carpenter
* Elizabeth 11 b. Iowa / attended school
* Wilhelmina 9 b. IA / attended school
* Johanna 7 b. IA / attended school
* Geo F. 2 b. IA
1870 Lillig, John M. 32 / b. Bavaria / clerk in lumber yard
living with:
* Amelia 28 b. Eligsau, Switzerland / keeping house
* Martha 3 b. IA
* John 1 b. IA
* Woodhouse, Alice 19 b. England / domestic servant
Buehler, George 31 b. Switzerland / carpenter
(I believe he was a brother to John who married Elizabeth
Hoerner, my "step" 2nd great Aunt)/ living with:
* Agnes 28 b. IA
* Margaretta 5 b. IA
* Frank 2 b. IA
* Georgia 2/12 b. IA
Buehler, John 37 b. Switzerland / Plasterer / living with
* Elizabeth HOERNER Buehler 21 b. IA / "keeping house"
* Fredericke 3 b. IA
* Annie 2 b. IA
Buehler, John 67 b. Switzerland / retired carpenter
living with:
* Anna 66 b. Switzerland / "keeping house"
Hoerner, Magretta 50 b. Bavaria / "keeping house"
living with:
* Johanna 17 b. IA "at home" / attended school
* George 12 b. IA / attended school
* Carl 9 b. IA / attended school
Sagrist, David (my paternal 2nd great grandfather) age 60
b. Switzerland / a boarder at 646 Clay St. Hotel / he
Trumball Co. 1880 James, John W. (this is my maternal great grandfather)
age 59 b. Wales / a minister / living with:
* Mary 53 b. Wales (her surname was PHILLIPS)
"keeping house"
* Alvina 21 b. PA "at home"
* Alice 19 b. NY "at home"
* Benjamin 17 b. NY / laborer
* Mary Llewella 7 b. OH
* MORGAN, Ana (James) 35 b. Wales / dress maker
* Francis 8 b. PA (granddaughter)
* Jahn 6 b. PA (grandson)
Phillips, Phillip (Mary Phillip James' brother?)
age 40 b. Wales / working in coal mine / living with:
* Margaret 36 b. Wales / "keeping house"
* Cadwallin (?) 15 b. OH / working in coal mine
* Jennie 13 b. OH
* Selena 11 b. OH
* Anna 8 b. OH
* Giraldus 8 b. OH
There are also these families that I believe are probably
related to me in some way:
Morgan, David age 60 b. Wales / living with:
* Rhoda 54 b. Wales
* Leah 22 b. PA
* Rhoda M. 16 b. PA
Phillips, William 72 b. Wales / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Rebecca 72 b. Wales
Morgan, Edwin M. 27 b. PA / grocer / living with:
* Sarah 19 b. PA
* Edward 1 b. OH
Phillips, Richard 35 b. Wales / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Margaret 30 b. Wales
Morgan, Jenkin 43 b. Wales / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Elizabeth 43 b. Wales
* Givenny (?) 21 b. OH
* John 17 b. OH / works in a coal mine
* Thomas 15 b. OH / works in a coal mine
* Benjamin 12 b. OH
* Margaret 11 b. OH
* Llewllyn 9 b. OH
* Jennie 5 b. OH
* Maggie 1 b. OH
Phillips, William 36 b. Wales / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Elizabeth 33 b. Isle of Man
* Elizabeth E. 14 b. PA
* Thomas L 11 b. PA
* Joseph H. 9 b. PA
* Jessie 7 b. PA
* David J. 6 b. PA
* George H. 4 b. PA
* Marian 2 b. PA
* Rachel 1/12 b. OH
James, William 29 b. Wales / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Mary A. 25 b. Wales
* Anna J. 6 b. OH
* Salvina 4 b. OH
* William 3 b. OH
James, David 27 b. Wales / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Dora 23 b. IA
* Willie 4 b. OH
* Freddie 3 b. OH
* Carrie 2 b. OH
James, Thomas 25 b. OH / works in a coal mine
living with:
* Margaret J. 20 b. Wales
* Mary 1/12 b. OH
VIRGINIA Alexandria CO. 1840 Riston, John H. (District of Columbia)
One male 20 under 30 / One female 15 under 20 / manufacturer and trade
Williams, Thomas
One male 10 under 15 / one male 15 under 20 / one male
" 40 under 50 / one female 40 under 50 = 4 1850 Riston, John H. House #519 / family #349
age "unknown" / b. MD / Shoemaker /can't read or write
living with:
* Rachael 24 b. VA cannot read or write
* Virginia 6 b. VA attended school
* Dennis 1 b. VA (states "twin to Aurelia"...NOT SO)
* Aurelia 1 b. VA (states "twin to Dennis"...NOT SO)
Williams, Thomas age 55 / a house painter / b. VA
cannot read or write /(2nd great grandfather)
living with:
* Winifred F. 53 b. VA cannot read or write
* George 18 b VA / house painter
1860 Williams, Thomas age 65 b. VA / house painter / living with:
* RISTON, JOHN H. 43 b. VA / house painter
* Rachael 37 b. VA
* Virginia 17 b. VA
* Dennis 15 b. VA
* Aurelia 9 b. VA
* Ella 10/12 b. VA
* James Duncan 4 b. VA